| |
- cgiHandler(environ, config='./tilestache.cfg', debug=False)
- Read environment PATH_INFO, load up configuration, talk to stdout by CGI.
This function is documented as part of TileStache's public API:
Calls requestHandler().
Config parameter can be a file path string for a JSON configuration file
or a configuration object with 'cache', 'layers', and 'dirpath' properties.
- getPreview(layer)
- Get a type string and dynamic map viewer HTML for a given layer.
- getTile(layer, coord, extension, ignore_cached=False)
- Get a type string and tile binary for a given request layer tile.
This function is documented as part of TileStache's public API:
- layer: instance of Core.Layer to render.
- coord: one ModestMaps.Core.Coordinate corresponding to a single tile.
- extension: filename extension to choose response type, e.g. "png" or "jpg".
- ignore_cached: always re-render the tile, whether it's in the cache or not.
This is the main entry point, after site configuration has been loaded
and individual tiles need to be rendered.
- getcwd(...)
- getcwd() -> path
Return a string representing the current working directory.
- mergePathInfo(layer, coord, extension)
- Converts layer name, coordinate and extension back to a PATH_INFO string.
See also splitPathInfo().
- modpythonHandler(request)
- Handle a mod_python request.
TODO: Upgrade to new requestHandler() so this can return non-200 HTTP.
Calls requestHandler().
Example Apache configuration for TileStache:
<Directory /home/migurski/public_html/TileStache>
AddHandler mod_python .py
PythonHandler TileStache::modpythonHandler
PythonOption config /etc/tilestache.cfg
Configuration options, using PythonOption directive:
- config: path to configuration file, defaults to "tilestache.cfg",
using request.filename as the current working directory.
- parseConfig(configHandle)
- Parse a configuration file and return a Configuration object.
Configuration could be a Python dictionary or a file formatted as JSON. In both cases
it needs to be formatted with two sections, "cache" and "layers":
"cache": { ... },
"layers": {
"layer-1": { ... },
"layer-2": { ... },
The full path to the file is significant, used to
resolve any relative paths found in the configuration.
See the Caches module for more information on the "caches" section,
and the Core and Providers modules for more information on the
"layers" section.
- parseConfigfile = parseConfig(configHandle)
- Parse a configuration file and return a Configuration object.
Configuration could be a Python dictionary or a file formatted as JSON. In both cases
it needs to be formatted with two sections, "cache" and "layers":
"cache": { ... },
"layers": {
"layer-1": { ... },
"layer-2": { ... },
The full path to the file is significant, used to
resolve any relative paths found in the configuration.
See the Caches module for more information on the "caches" section,
and the Core and Providers modules for more information on the
"layers" section.
- reduce(...)
- reduce(function, sequence[, initial]) -> value
Apply a function of two arguments cumulatively to the items of a sequence,
from left to right, so as to reduce the sequence to a single value.
For example, reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) calculates
((((1+2)+3)+4)+5). If initial is present, it is placed before the items
of the sequence in the calculation, and serves as a default when the
sequence is empty.
- requestHandler(config_hint, path_info, query_string=None)
- Generate a mime-type and response body for a given request.
This function is documented as part of TileStache's public API:
TODO: replace this with requestHandler2() in TileStache 2.0.0.
Calls requestHandler2().
- requestHandler2(config_hint, path_info, query_string=None, script_name='')
- Generate a set of headers and response body for a given request.
TODO: Replace requestHandler() with this function in TileStache 2.0.0.
Requires a configuration and PATH_INFO (e.g. "/example/0/0/0.png").
Config_hint parameter can be a path string for a JSON configuration file
or a configuration object with 'cache', 'layers', and 'dirpath' properties.
Query string is optional, currently used for JSON callbacks.
Calls Layer.getTileResponse() to render actual tiles, and getPreview() to render preview.html.
- requestLayer(config, path_info)
- Return a Layer.
Requires a configuration and PATH_INFO (e.g. "/example/0/0/0.png").
Config parameter can be a file path string for a JSON configuration file
or a configuration object with 'cache', 'layers', and 'dirpath' properties.
- splitPathInfo(pathinfo)
- Converts a PATH_INFO string to layer name, coordinate, and extension parts.
Example: "/layer/0/0/0.png", leading "/" optional.
- time(...)
- time() -> floating point number
Return the current time in seconds since the Epoch.
Fractions of a second may be present if the system clock provides them.